Napi okosság

Friss topikok

  • [Marci]: Bocsi, itt véletlenül moderáltam:D GGABOR A részvényenkénti 73 Ft-os osztalékért ma van az utols... (2011.06.01. 10:56) OTP
  • [Marci]: A jó öreg alakzatok, még mindig a legmegbízhatóbbak;) (2011.06.01. 08:47) AUDJPY
  • danostomi: ez a honlapot én is nézegettem már de ezt a superképeségét nem tudtam... beszéljünk róla csütörtök... (2011.05.30. 15:24) wow
  • [Marci]: :D Inkább csaj-escortra...nem kis potenciál van a dologban. (2011.05.30. 11:25) Programozott jól-lét.


2011.05.28. 15:15 | [Marci] | Szólj hozzá!

The 25 rules of trading:

1. The market pays you to be disciplined.

2. Be disciplined in every day, every trade, and the market will reward you. But don't claim to be disciplined if if you are not 100 percent of the time.

3. Always lower your trade size, when you are trading poorly.

4. Never turn a winner into a loser.

5. Your biggest loser can't exceed your biggest winner.

6. Develop a methodology and stick with it. Don't change methodologies from day to day.

7. Be yourself, don't try to be someone else.

8. You always want to be able to come back and play the next day.

9. Earn the right to trade bigger.

10. Get out of your losers.

11. The first loss is the best loss.

12. Don't hope and pray. If you do, you will lose.

13. Don't worry about news. It's history. 

14. Don't speculate. If you do, you will lose.

15. Love to lose money.

16. If your trade not going anywhere in a given timeframe, it's time to exit.

17. Never take big loss. Only big loss can hurt you.

18. Make a little bit every day. Dig your ditches, don't fill them in.

19. Hit singles, not home runs.

20. Consistency bulids confidence and control.

21. Learn to sweat out (scale out) your winners.

22. Make the same type of trades over and over again. Be a bricklayer.

23. Don't over-analyze. Don't procrastinate. Don't hesitate. If you do, you will lose.

24. All trades are created equal in the eyes of the market.

25. It's the market that wields the ultimate scale of justice.



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